Few Tips for Serious Directory Owners

OK so i put it clear. Nowadays everybody uses submission softwares or use submission companies that SUCKS. Don’t rely on submissions anymore to build your directories content! There is pratically no point in reviewing websites, the ratio of websites accepted in the directory on 100 is 5% and below.

My biggest advice to get a quality directory is to use all the search engines on the web, find some great websites and add them.

Another advice is to turn into a paid directory! YES i say that! At least paid directories doesn’t have to bother with spam, you will get time and do something else than just adding sites.

Once irkawebdirectory.com reachs the 20k listings (that obviously i’ll add manually), i’ll be more mean that now on submissions. Now if DMOZ receives the exact same submission i receive but bigger (of course it’s DMOZ anyway), i understand why nobody lists websites anymore!

Why wasting our time reviewing sites when nobody cares about your directory??

Hope this is clear.

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