Archive for the 'Directories' Category

Bidding Directories

Sunday, May 13th, 2007

There’s a new trends on the web, the normal types of directories like or are old school now!

Now is time for the bidding directories which is a kind of neat concept. You can download the script php Link Bid for just 24$. Then you put your site up with a cool design and wait for bidders!

Here is a Bid Directory List, so you can see how many of them are out there.

I am starting my first bidding directory today!

Directories Check Out

Saturday, April 28th, 2007

If you plan on opening a free web directory and add quality content to it, i say STOP. Directories are over in my opinion.

Why i say it is over? Well of course it is good to buy links out on web directories and it is also good to get a free link on any directories whether it is SEO friendly or not. But the major engines like google and yahoo seems to not emphasize the weight of directories links like it used to be.

Directories are like your personal bookmarking on the web, and if you add spam sites in it you’ll be banned from google and other major engines. I consider 80% of the web directories that were created in the past years useless. And 5% out of the 20% left are eating up the competition which makes it harder and harder to have good revenues within the directory industry.

Yet directories are a good way to pay back your hosting fees and get extra cash but it’s not the way to get money on the web. It took me a year to realize it and i want to share it.

I’d still buy a link on a directory, but naturally directories are dying with the arrival of Wikipedia, Google Video, Youtube and so on.

Good luck on building directories and remember it’s not the best way of monetizing on internet. There are more problems with directories than advantages in the year 2007.

Irka Webmaster Directory New Stuffs

Friday, April 27th, 2007


I just came back from France and i will open a blog soon about the stuffs that i saw there, will put a few pictures so that you know how it’s like to be in France.

I have no more free times to maintain my webmaster directory for free so i make it paid, i have a lot of jobs to do, one thing i know is that you can still submit free at and Irka Web Directory FOR NOW. I say for now because it is a lot of work as well.

Maintaining free directories is like you gotta scratch your bum all the time with both hands and you can’t do nothing else but that.

I also received tons of spam on that webmaster directory and let’s hope that switch will slow down hungry spammers.

I set the pricings of 10$ per links submitted, i invite you to crawl that webmaster directory to notice it has high quality contents compared to most of the other webmaster directories, i believe a link there gives more weight to the SEO of your web sites.


Fake Quality Directory

Saturday, March 3rd, 2007

I want to introduce my last general directory which is a kind of experiment. FakeQuality doesn’t have much categories, but plenty of links will be listed on each page.

Featured right now are set at 20$/years. Trust me it’ll be more expensive with time, you might want to buy a featured link right now!

Enjoy the free links anyway cause it’s a free directory!

Other Free Directories: Irka Web DirectoryIrka Webmaster Directory

Advantages of Owning an Authority Directory

Friday, December 29th, 2006

It is pretty clear that nowadays, google tends to give less weight to anchor text than it used to be. The bold factor to rank on google is to have an authority content web directory or web site.

How do we have an authority site?

How can a web site gets more weight even it has not that much backlinks? It’s about content and what kind of outbound links there are on your site. If you are likely to link to good organizations sites, government sites, informative sites etc etc… your site will have more weight. Theorically speaking, the more you give good outbound links on your site, the more you will be rewarded for that.

Linking to crap doesn’t help your site and your rankings on Google. Also you should be aware that webmasters who claims outbound links doesn’t help your google rankings are the kind of webmasters that list crap, so how can they know?

The truth about Directories

All directories except a few are crap, i explain. Why people on internet creates web directories?
– It’s one more site in my network
– It’s a good service for webmasters
– A good way to sell links and get a few bucks
– It helps the ranking of my other sites
– So on so forth…

They all forgot we build directories for 1 purpose only, having a good content to help users looking for what they are searching. Search engines do most of the job in that situation but Web Directories also helps them to find original content, the one you can’t see on Google or Yahoo.

No directory owners (just a few) takes time to manually add web sites to their directories, this is a waste of time i agree, but in the end if you have a directory that lists 30,000 good websites you look pretty and bold.

Adding sites also gives you more traffic to your directory, i’m totally sure most of the free-paid directories on internet doesn’t make it to 75 uniques a day. While IWD makes it to 500 a day nowadays with just 7000 sites listed.

What’s the real advantage of adding sites manually?

If you do so, your directory will be considered more important by search engines than when it listed crap. You suddenly appears on SERPs and get traffic.

Here is my little secret, when you do a web directory and add sites manually, you sometimes find some keywords niche. Directories are a way to rank for all kind of keywords (if it’s general directories of course). When you see traffic from some keywords, exploit it and create another website dedicated to it, get traffic and monetize.

Or try adwords and use overture like hell it’s another way to find good keywords.

If you are a directory owner, how long do you think your directory will last? If you think less than 2 years you already lost. Find a way to keep it alive forever and all the work you’ve pulled in will pay back.

300 Submissions in 24 hours

Thursday, November 23rd, 2006

At Irkawebdirectory i received 300 submissions in the last 24 hours, and i deleted 250 of them, seems like the popular you get, the more you receive spam.

Webmasters should understand it’s not the best way! I work for free and WASTE my time on free submissions! I want to build that resource for the web so help me, don’t kick me in the leg (that’s only for spammers ;))


Sevenseek Special (Again!)

Sunday, October 29th, 2006

Rush to sevenseek and submit your site for just 5$! Yes 5$!
This is just generous, Thank you Jeff for that terrific offer.
Arf and i don’t have any clients right now…

TheSquat Directory Changes

Monday, October 23rd, 2006

Hello everyone,

I have decided today to make a paid directory, reasons why i do that are simple, i’ve simply no time to work on it right now. The submissions now costs 4.95$/unlimited and featured are set to 19.95$/unlimited as i think of it as a PR4.

Actually there are now 2 free directories on our network which is Irka Web Directory (PR4-Free) & our Webmaster Directory (PR4-Free). Submit your site freely there, they are here for that. Especially Irka Web Directory. I trully believe that directory will become a high resource in the future for webmasters, and it’ll always be free remember that.

All those that submitted sites for free to The Squat before today (23rd October) will be reviewed and added today, for the others they’ll just be deleted.

I’m also going to customize a little bit thesquat and add some mods today or tomorow, check it out when you have time!


Are You Waiting To be Reviewed?

Sunday, October 15th, 2006

I’m so sorry,

I explain. There are 800 pending sites waiting to be reviewed at The Squat and 2500 at IWD. The reason why there are too many pending sites is that my internet connection s*cks (download at 50kb/sec when i’m lucky and i upload at 16kb/sec).

To upload all files to create a new php link directory, it takes 3 hours. To open a link on irkawebdirectory (knowing it gots 2500 categories) i need to wait 10 seconds because of the menu bar loading. To check my mail! It takes half an hour! And so on so forth,

I’m going to be brave and review all those links no matter what it takes! I still wait to have satellite internet as suggested anon from directory dump not so long ago. Then things will go a bit faster, usually i design at the same time i review links (but i only delete the crap sites in mass, it makes me win time if i have to review all the good ones).

[ Got all kind of strategies to review links and not wasting time ]

Normally it will takes 4 days to 1 week to review all of them and working 6 hours per day.
Personally i hate to review free links!

If you have your site listed that’d be cool if you can post your comments here 🙂

Outstanding Directory Submissions

Monday, October 2nd, 2006

What you’re going to see is the funniest submissions of websites received on our directories during september!

Our Favorite

This person obviously doesn’t know that we build directories in order to keep the web clean from MFA crap, if that man gets a PR5 there is something wrong, who would even link to that kind of crap? Made for adsense directory, this is not the first one but we clearly know this is the one.
Everybody who owns a crap site can submit to his directory, go ahead!

The Submitter Was On Crack

Why did he had to submit his very addictive game site into Health > Addictions? LOL.

What is the real address?

I guess that the submitter liked nodangers 🙂 lol.

What did he thought?

Oh yeah let me approve them all for you :), the submitter was the same for all those sites. Beautiful spam combo.

The Best For The End

Here the submitter is me and i made a mistake during a submission, i didn’t notice that all of my websites was already listed there, so to beg pardon i submitted a fake submissions saying sorry to the owner and that he could remove the my duplicated submissions, but lol i let you find out what happened next by looking at this picture.


Well in fact he listed the duplicated submissions and even my message (i used the address lol)

Hope you enjoyed lol,