Fake Quality Directory

March 3rd, 2007

I want to introduce my last general directory which is a kind of experiment. FakeQuality doesn’t have much categories, but plenty of links will be listed on each page.

Featured right now are set at 20$/years. Trust me it’ll be more expensive with time, you might want to buy a featured link right now!

Enjoy the free links anyway cause it’s a free directory!

Other Free Directories: Irka Web DirectoryIrka Webmaster Directory

CMS List

March 2nd, 2007

Most of the webmasters on the web aren’t geeks, they know Google but, regarding design, programming, and other stuffs they are not as good as knowing the factors of ranking high on G.

So you might need a little help: Content Management System. With a CMS you don’t have to code, you don’t have to design (basically just the logo of your company), and it’s easy to use for the average type of users. For instance that blog uses the WordPress CMS, I didn’t code it (of course)!

If you are interested in knowing what’s the best CMS on the web nowadays, check Protolize.org, i was impressed by the quality of CMS listed there!

So now you can build a web site easily! Put your message on the web right now!

Google’s Master Plan

March 1st, 2007

Youtube Google’s Master Plan

Very convincing, seriously it can be dangerous if google is affiliated with the CIA in my humble opinion, specially about the search results… Is it really all automated?

the News for February

February 24th, 2007

I’ve been maintaining Isamu directory, when i say maintaining i mean adding categories, adding good sites and other things, to give it more content. There are lot’s of categories empty with PR so i thought i’d exploit them. You also can have your site listed there but it’s not free!

Till the end of February TheSquat is free!


TheSquat is all free till the end of February and beginning of March! So get your site listed there! I’ll be picky on the sites that gets included though, don’t submit crap!

New Template(s) Available at PHPLD Your Site

Check out the Illuminati Template! It is for both version 3.0.6 and 3.1 + the version 2.1! You will love the design and we hope you’ll use it for one of your future or current directories project 😀

Would i do this if Search Engines didn’t Exist?

February 21st, 2007

If you are a webmaster, you ever asked yourself that question? When you do a site, is it for the user or for the search engines? Or both?

Would i do this if search engines didn’t exist?

If you read the google webmasters guideline which is just PR4, it should be PR7 minimum, that’s one weird thing but, they use that questions as a way to ‘gives us insights’. Well let me give you some insights… Here is the question i would really ask:

Would i do this if google adsense didn’t exist?

Googlebombs Being Minimized

February 16th, 2007

I’m kind of late about the googlebomb subject. If you don’t know what googlebomb is, well it is a term you employ when someone tries to rank for a keywords with no traffic and meaning whatsoever, but just for political or personal reasons.

Late in 2005, for instance, a website containing informations about George Bush ranked for ‘miserable failure’, which is completely of political issues. That can create a lot of problems, google claims also there are actually 100 active googlebombs on the web right now.

You can read on the official google webmaster blog, that they can’t change things by hand, google works by algorithm and is automatic, sometimes they have to remove listings on a SERP (search engine results page) because of violent content, shocking content, or spam. But they don’t want to stop the googlebombs by hand (they can stop it).

So google came up with a new algorithm that should minimize the effects of googlebombs, it was back in January 2007.

I was planning to do a conspiracy site and googlebomb bush with some keywords, i guess it’s gonna be tough! 😀

Form Auto Filler (FAF) for Site Sift Directories

February 15th, 2007

Set up FormAutoFiller to submit to 4 different types of directories scripts:

Set up FAF for phpLD
Set up FAF for indexscript
Set up FAF for Esyndicat

Set up FAF for Site Sift:

1. The Title
Type – text
Name – title
Value – [Your website’s Name]

2. The URL
Type – text
Name – url
Value – [Your website’s URL]

3. The Description
Type – textarea
Name – description
Value – [Your website’s Description]

4. Your Email
Type – text
Name – email
Value – [Your Email]

Basically, site-sift and indexscript uses the same name for each fields, so you might only need to create just one auto form for both of those scripts instead of 2 different ones.

Form Auto Filler (FAF) for Esyndicat Directories

February 15th, 2007


Set up FAF for phpLD
Set up FAF for indexscript

And Now for Esyndicat Powered Directories:

1. The Title
Type – text
Name – title
Value – [Your website’s Name]

2. The URL
Type – text
Name – url
Value – [Your website’s URL]

3. The Description
Type – textarea
Name – description
Value – [Your website’s Description]

4. Your Email
Type – text
Name – email
Value – [Your Email]

Read the previous posts about FAF (look above links) to understand how to set it up.

Set Up Form Auto Filler for Indexscript Directories

February 15th, 2007

I explained how to use FAF for phpLD Directories in my last post submit 4 times faster to directories.

Here is how to use it for all directories that uses the script Indexscript.com:

1. The URL
Type – text
Name – url
Value – [Your website’s url]

2. The Title
Type – text
Name – title
Value – [Your website’s title]

3. The Description
Type – textarea
Name – description
Value – [Your website’s description]

4. Keywords of the Site
Type – text
Name – keywords
Value – [Your website’s keywords]

5. Your Email
Type – text
Name – email
Value – [Your email]

Different from phpLD for 2 things. 1st thing is you don’t have to add your name, second is you must give a range of relevant keywords for your site. So indeed i recommend you set it up perfectly for Indexscript directories. Many directories uses that script!


Submit To Directories 4 Times Faster

February 13th, 2007
Directory Psycho, are you one of them?

So what’s the deal here!

I was on DP forum and stumbled upon that thread: Submit to 100 Directories…
As i am interested in submitting faster to directories, i always looked for a kind of software, that fill down forms automatically for each site i want to submit when i’m on a directory.

I am used to submit manually and add all informations by hand, but i have created more than 20 sites, and now submitting them 1 by 1 is a pain in the ass if i may.

The solution is Form Auto Filler. Go to their download page and download the software, then install it.

Also you might be interested to take a glance at Rian’s site 3r5.com, he is the one that shown me where i could find this software, thank you dude!
Open the program then click New, give the form a name (name of your site) and set up the form fields:

1. The Title
Type – text
Name – TITLE
Value – [Your website’s Name]

2. The URL
Type – text
Name – URL
Value – [Your website’s URL]

3. Description
Type – textarea
Value – [Description of your website]

4. Owner Name
Type – text
Value – [Your name and surname]

5. Owner Email
Type – Text
Value – [Your email address]

A few notes:

– [updated 15/02/2007] Tool works only when using Internet Explorer, that’s the only problem that i found (I seriously hate microsoft’s products).

-That kind of fields set up works only for phpld (i guess) and probably not esyndicat, so as soon as i figure out what kind of fields esyndicat works with, i will post it.

– You will have to choose manually the category of each site you want to submit to if you use that software, so i highly recommend it’s usage when you plan on submitting to directories in mass.

– Everybody knows how auto submissions softwares gives me acnea. Actually Auto Form Filler ain’t a submissions software, you can use it for pratically just anything! Not only directories!

I’m gonna give some more tips bout that tool as soon as i will use it, i haven’t been submitting sites for so long! Probably a year. I never had any PR3 so i guess i’m pretty good at directories submissions ( if i was that good i’d have PR5 at any PR update… ) 😉